Ennerdale C of E Primary School


Ennerdale Bridge Cleator
Cumbria CA23 3AR


01946 861402


We have a hardworking and dedicated team of staff who have a common goal in making every child’s time in school enjoyable and memorable.  We have teachers and teaching assistants who are all passionate about children.

By working together to ensure every child’s needs are met. We have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of each child, enabling each child to feel secure and safe in school.

We are friendly and approachable and encourage all our parents to take an active part in their child’s learning and within the school community.

Mr David Moore (SENCO, DSL, Maths & Humanities Coordinator)
KS2 Teachers

Mr David Moore


Mrs Louise Chamberlain (PE and Science Coordinator)

EYFS / KS1 Teacher

Mr James Gartland (EYFS/KS1 Leader, English & RE Coordinator)

Business Manager Mrs Gwen Delaney


Senior Teaching Assistants

Mrs Gwen Delaney (also Breakfast Club Leader)


Miss Sarah Lopez (also Afterschool Club Leader and Forest School Leader)

Miss Charlotte Hey (KS2)


Clerk to Governors Mrs Yvonne Hey


Midday Supervisor

Mrs Veronica Earl


Cleaner Mrs Veronica Earl