Ennerdale C of E Primary School


Ennerdale Bridge Cleator
Cumbria CA23 3AR


01946 861402

As we don't have a nursery in school we offer both Nursery Afternoon and Forest School sessions for children to attend. 

Nursery Afternoon sessions are held in school and give children and their parents a chance to visit school and play alongside the children in the Infants. Children of all ages are welcome. These sessions run from
1pm -3pm  and this year will be held on Wednesday afternoons as listed to the left. 


Forest Fridays are the chance for children, of all ages, to join us in our own section of the forest on the new path on the way to Ennerdale Water. Sarah, a Senior Teaching Assistant in school, is our Forest School Leader and we put great emphasis on our children learning both in the outdoors and about the outdoors. Our Forest School sessions are skills based and children learn a vast amount of skills during this time. 

* All Welcome *